The Harvest: Rise of Apex
The Harvest: Rise of Apex

The Harvest: Rise of Apex

    • Mostly positive (9 ratings)

Black Market Escape Rooms

  • Escape room
  • IRL

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APEX, the self appointed leader of the People’s Church, claims he has achieved immortality. Through education, endurance and ceremonial trials, APEX believes he can teach others to transcend like him. Would you like to find out if you are worthy of such a gift? We at MurderCo are privileged to host the People’s Church during the Harvest Moon Season. Members can feel safe as they get exclusive access to witness Oriri Apicem or “Rise of APEX” ceremonies performed within our secured facility. The Harvest: Rise of APEX is a non-stop immersive live-action thriller. Members will get a taste of being part of a cult, while thrown deep inside a dark storyline that never lets up. This dark adventure is interactive immersive theater.

  • 3-6
  • 45 mins


All ratings (9)

Mostly positive



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