O'Brien's Cottage
O'Brien's Cottage

O'Brien's Cottage

    • Mixed (1 ratings)

Escape Rooms Shannon

  • Escape room
  • IRL

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Eddie O'Brien bought a plot of land in the hills of West Clare. Against the advice of then locals, Eddie chopped down an old Hawthorn tree to make room for his cottage. His neighbors warned him that the Hawthorn tree was a Faerie tree and a curse would befall anyone who cut it. Since then, every generation of O'Briens to live in that cottage has suffered a sudden and unexpected death. It happens always on a night with a strange and sudden storm, and the locals report hearing the wailing of a woman in the wind. You have 60 minutes to find a way to appease the Banshee before she takes your life next!

  • 2-6
  • 60 mins


All ratings (1)
