Gefangen Im Schacht [Captured In The Shaft]
Gefangen Im Schacht [Captured In The Shaft]

Gefangen Im Schacht [Captured In The Shaft]

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Geheim Depot

  • Escape room
  • IRL

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In 2022 , two years after the experiment "Atomic outbreak - the selection", Vivien Burdette published the second experiment. The insane attempt to suppress humanity succeeds again this time. She chose 5 cities: Dorsten, Dortmund, Hamm, Duisburg & Gelsenkirchen and had the existing pit shafts in the old pits converted. She developed a security wing led by a guard from the organization "Die Auslese". The organization fights against the international corporations and the government. She used a psychological experiment as a model for this fictitious scenario. The Stanfort Prison Experiment, conducted in the 1970s, was designed to study human behavior under the conditions of real prison life . She uses the pit to create different levels. The people from "above" live in abundance. You have the power to make decisions. People living “downstairs ”, on the other hand, lead lives full of deprivation and see no realistic possibility of escaping their social disadvantage . You are in level 24D of the simulation created by Vivien Burdett. It is said that level 24 in Dorsten forms the middle class. But how many levels come after you, can you escape and put an end to the social experiment?

  • 4-24
  • 120 mins


All ratings (6)

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