Honeckers Albtraum [Honecker's Nightmare]
Honeckers Albtraum [Honecker's Nightmare]

Honeckers Albtraum [Honecker's Nightmare]

    • Mixed (1 ratings)

Room Escape Challenge Leipzig

  • Escape room
  • IRL

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Once again Erich lies lost in his dreams, but this time everything is different. This time it's not a dream of a developed socialist society, but of the collapse of the system, the wall should be opened!? "Oh no, I have to do something about that." He devises a plan to stop his citizens from fleeing your home. Can you forestall Honecker's plans and flee? It won't be easy! Can you solve our Original DDR Escape Room in Leipzig?

  • 2-28
  • 60 mins
  • Easy


All ratings (1)
