Curiouser and Curiouser
Curiouser and Curiouser

Curiouser and Curiouser

    • Very positive (20 ratings)

TimeTrap Escape Rooms Reading

  • Escape room
  • IRL

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Remember Lewis Carroll, Professor Potch’s favourite author? Well, he’s in trouble — again! It’s now 1871, eight years after Carroll suffered an accident that threatened the existence of Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland and our intrepid time travelling volunteers were sent into his brain to help him remember all his ideas for finishing it. This time around the problem isn’t a lack of ideas; it’s how to put them together. Carroll has come up against a pesky case of writer’s block while writing his second novel, Alice Through the Looking Glass, and it’s your job to fix it by travelling between regions of his brain and lighting the sparks of his imagination. Be quick about it, though! If you don’t manage to get rid of the block in time, Alice Through the Looking Glass will remain uncompleted…forever… If you didn’t get the chance to embark on the first mission, never fear! Past participation in Imaginarium isn’t a requirement for taking part in Curiouser and Curiouser — you’ll have just as much fun, promise.

  • 2-8
  • 60 mins


All ratings (20)

Very positive


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